## 拼音及汉字字面含义 ### 一、拼音:zheng 1. **zhēng (阴平)** * **正** (zhèng/zhēng) - 正月,一年中的第一个月,पहिलो महिना, first month of the year * **争** (zhēng) - 争夺,竞争, लड्नु, प्रतिस्पर्धा गर्नु, to contend, to vie, to strive * **征** (zhēng) - 征伐,征收, जित्नु, उठाउनु, to征服, to征求, to征询, to征召, to征订, to征聘, to征用, to征引, to征象, to征验, to征战, to征集, to levy, to collect, to draft, to recruit * **怔** (zhēng) - 怔忡,惊怔, चकित हुनु, तर्सनु, startled, alarmed, to be in a daze * **挣** (zhèng/zhēng) - 挣扎,努力摆脱, संघर्ष गर्नु, छुटकारा पाउन प्रयास गर्नु, to struggle, to strive to get free * **峥** (zhēng) - 峥嵘,高峻, अग्लो, ठाडो, lofty, towering, steep * **烝** (zhēng) - 烝尝,古代祭祀, प्राचीन बलिदान, ancient sacrifice * **睁** (zhēng) - 睁眼,张开眼睛, आँखा खोल्नु, to open the eyes * **钲** (zhēng) - 古代乐器,प्राचीन संगीत वाद्ययंत्र, ancient musical instrument (bronze drum) 2. **zhéng (阳平)** * **郑** (zhèng) - 郑重,郑国 (地名), थर, राज्यको नाम, solemn, serious, Zheng state (place name), family name Zheng 3. **zhěng (上声)** * **整** (zhěng) - 整理,完整, मिलाउनु, पूर्ण, to tidy up, to arrange, whole, complete * **拯** (zhěng) - 拯救,救助, उद्धार गर्नु, मद्दत गर्नु, to save, to rescue, to help 4. **zhèng (去声)** * **正** (zhèng/zhēng) - 正确,正好, सही, ठीक, correct, right, just, exactly * **政** (zhèng) - 政治,政府, राजनीति, सरकार, politics, government * **证** (zhèng) - 证明,证据, प्रमाण, सबूत, to prove, evidence, certificate * **症** (zhèng) - 病症,症状, रोग, लक्षण, illness, symptom * **郑** (zhèng) - 郑重,郑国 (地名), थर, राज्यको नाम, solemn, serious, Zheng state (place name), family name Zheng * **诤** (zhèng) - 诤言,直言规劝, सिधा सुझाव दिनु, to remonstrate, to advise frankly * **挣** (zhèng/zhēng) - 挣脱,用力挣开, फुत्कनु, बलपूर्वक खोल्नु, to break away, to struggle to get free * **帧** (zhèng) - 画帧,量词 (用于字画), फ्रेम, मात्रात्मक शब्द (चित्रकलाको लागि), frame, measure word (for paintings) * **政** (zhèng) - 通“正”,同“正”, same as "正" ### 二、拼音:nei 1. **nèi (去声)** * **内** (nèi) - 内部,内里, भित्र, भित्री, inside, inner, interior * **那** (nèi/nà/nǎ/nèi) - 那 (口语音),用于“那个”、“那儿”等, त्यो (मुखको बोली), that (spoken language, used in "that one", "there") * **讷** (nè/nè) - 口讷,言语迟钝, बोलीमा ढिलो, hesitant in speech, slow in speech * **馁** (něi/něi) - 气馁,灰心, निराश हुनु, हतोत्साहित हुनु, discouraged, disheartened * **餧** (wèi/něi) - 喂 (wèi) 的异体字,खुवाउनु, variant of 喂 (to feed), (něi - 方言, 喂, खुवाउनु - dialect, to feed) ## 词组组合及简要含义、出处 1. 正内 - 正月内部,first month inside (字面意思) 2. 争内 - 争夺内部,compete for inside (字面意思) 3. 征内 - 征伐内部,conquer inside (字面意思) 4. 怔内 - 怔忡内部,startled inside (字面意思) 5. 挣内 - 挣扎内部,struggle inside (字面意思) 6. 峥内 - 峥嵘内部,lofty inside (字面意思) 7. 烝内 - 烝尝内部,sacrifice inside (字面意思) 8. 睁内 - 睁眼内部,open eyes inside (字面意思) 9. 钲内 - 钲乐器内部,musical instrument inside (字面意思) 10. 郑内 - 郑国 (地名) 内部,Zheng state inside (字面意思) 11. 整内 - 整理内部,tidy up inside (字面意思) 12. 拯内 - 拯救内部,rescue inside (字面意思) 13. 正内 - 正确内部,correct inside (字面意思) 14. 政内 - 政治内部,politics inside (字面意思) 15. 证内 - 证明内部,evidence inside (字面意思) 16. 症内 - 病症内部,symptom inside (字面意思) 17. 郑内 - 郑重内部,solemn inside (字面意思) 18. 诤内 - 诤言内部,remonstration inside (字面意思) 19. 挣内 - 挣脱内部,break away inside (字面意思) 20. 帧内 - 画帧内部,frame inside (字面意思) 21. 政内 - 正内部,same as "正" inside (字面意思) 22. 正那 - 正月那个,first month that (字面意思) 23. 争那 - 争夺那个,compete for that (字面意思) 24. 征那 - 征伐那个,conquer that (字面意思) 25. 怔那 - 怔忡那个,startled that (字面意思) 26. 挣那 - 挣扎那个,struggle that (字面意思) 27. 峥那 - 峥嵘那个,lofty that (字面意思) 28. 烝那 - 烝尝那个,sacrifice that (字面意思) 29. 睁那 - 睁眼那个,open eyes that (字面意思) 30. 钲那 - 钲乐器那个,musical instrument that (字面意思) 31. 郑那 - 郑国 (地名) 那个,Zheng state that (字面意思) 32. 整那 - 整理那个,tidy up that (字面意思) 33. 拯那 - 拯救那个,rescue that (字面意思) 34. 正那 - 正确那个,correct that (字面意思) 35. 政那 - 政治那个,politics that (字面意思) 36. 证那 - 证明那个,evidence that (字面意思) 37. 症那 - 病症那个,symptom that (字面意思) 38. 郑那 - 郑重那个,solemn that (字面意思) 39. 诤那 - 诤言那个,remonstration that (字面意思) 40. 挣那 - 挣脱那个,break away that (字面意思) 41. 帧那 - 画帧那个,frame that (字面意思) 42. 政那 - 正那个,same as "正" that (字面意思) 43. 正讷 - 正月口讷,first month hesitant in speech (字面意思) 44. 争讷 - 争夺口讷,compete for hesitant in speech (字面意思) 45. 征讷 - 征伐口讷,conquer hesitant in speech (字面意思) 46. 怔讷 - 怔忡口讷,startled hesitant in speech (字面意思) 47. 挣讷 - 挣扎口讷,struggle hesitant in speech (字面意思) 48. 峥讷 - 峥嵘口讷,lofty hesitant in speech (字面意思) 49. 烝讷 - 烝尝口讷,sacrifice hesitant in speech (字面意思) 50. 睁讷 - 睁眼口讷,open eyes hesitant in speech (字面意思) 51. 钲讷 - 钲乐器口讷,musical instrument hesitant in speech (字面意思) 52. 郑讷 - 郑国 (地名) 口讷,Zheng state hesitant in speech (字面意思) 53. 整讷 - 整理口讷,tidy up hesitant in speech (字面意思) 54. 拯讷 - 拯救口讷,rescue hesitant in speech (字面意思) 55. 正讷 - 正确口讷,correct hesitant in speech (字面意思) 56. 政讷 - 政治口讷,politics hesitant in speech (字面意思) 57. 证讷 - 证明口讷,evidence hesitant in speech (字面意思) 58. 症讷 - 病症口讷,symptom hesitant in speech (字面意思) 59. 郑讷 - 郑重口讷,solemn hesitant in speech (字面意思) 60. 诤讷 - 诤言口讷,remonstration hesitant in speech (字面意思) 61. 挣讷 - 挣脱口讷,break away hesitant in speech (字面意思) 62. 帧讷 - 画帧口讷,frame hesitant in speech (字面意思) 63. 政讷 - 正口讷,same as "正" hesitant in speech (字面意思) 64. 正馁 - 正月气馁,first month discouraged (字面意思) 65. 争馁 - 争夺气馁,compete for discouraged (字面意思) 66. 征馁 - 征伐气馁,conquer discouraged (字面意思) 67. 怔馁 - 怔忡气馁,startled discouraged (字面意思) 68. 挣馁 - 挣扎气馁,struggle discouraged (字面意思) 69. 峥馁 - 峥嵘气馁,lofty discouraged (字面意思) 70. 烝馁 - 烝尝气馁,sacrifice discouraged (字面意思) 71. 睁馁 - 睁眼气馁,open eyes discouraged (字面意思) 72. 钲馁 - 钲乐器气馁,musical instrument discouraged (字面意思) 73. 郑馁 - 郑国 (地名) 气馁,Zheng state discouraged (字面意思) 74. 整馁 - 整理气馁,tidy up discouraged (字面意思) 75. 拯馁 - 拯救气馁,rescue discouraged (字面意思) 76. 正馁 - 正确气馁,correct discouraged (字面意思) 77. 政馁 - 政治气馁,politics discouraged (字面意思) 78. 证馁 - 证明气馁,evidence discouraged (字面意思) 79. 症馁 - 病症气馁,symptom discouraged (字面意思) 80. 郑馁 - 郑重气馁,solemn discouraged (字面意思) 81. 诤馁 - 诤言气馁,remonstration discouraged (字面意思) 82. 挣馁 - 挣脱气馁,break away discouraged (字面意思) 83. 帧馁 - 画帧气馁,frame discouraged (字面意思) 84. 政馁 - 正气馁,same as "正" discouraged (字面意思) 85. 正餧 - 正月餧食,first month feed (字面意思) 86. 争餧 - 争夺餧食,compete for feed (字面意思) 87. 征餧 - 征伐餧食,conquer feed (字面意思) 88. 怔餧 - 怔忡餧食,startled feed (字面意思) 89. 挣餧 - 挣扎餧食,struggle feed (字面意思) 90. 峥餧 - 峥嵘餧食,lofty feed (字面意思) 91. 烝餧 - 烝尝餧食,sacrifice feed (字面意思) 92. 睁餧 - 睁眼餧食,open eyes feed (字面意思) 93. 钲餧 - 钲乐器餧食,musical instrument feed (字面意思) 94. 郑餧 - 郑国 (地名) 餧食,Zheng state feed (字面意思) 95. 整餧 - 整理餧食,tidy up feed (字面意思) 96. 拯餧 - 拯救餧食,rescue feed (字面意思) 97. 正餧 - 正确餧食,correct feed (字面意思) 98. 政餧 - 政治餧食,politics feed (字面意思) 99. 证餧 - 证明餧食,evidence feed (字面意思) 100. 症餧 - 病症餧食,symptom feed (字面意思) 101. 郑餧 - 郑重餧食,solemn feed (字面意思) 102. 诤餧 - 诤言餧食,remonstration feed (字面意思) 103. 挣餧 - 挣脱餧食,break away feed (字面意思) 104. 帧餧 - 画帧餧食,frame feed (字面意思) 105. 政餧 - 正餧食,same as "正" feed (字面意思)